Meet Frances | Youth Dancer of the Year Nominee






Hi! I’m Frances Clendenon, and I am so honored to be nominated for RVA’s Youth Dancer of the Year. I grew up with three brothers in a house that had no connection to dance, so my parents were surprised when two-year-old Frances asked to take ballet! I visited a dress rehearsal for the summer show at the Latin Ballet of Virginia, and I was invited, in my diaper, to come up on stage and dance with the students and professional company. I followed their choreography like I had been rehearsing with them all along. Onstage, Will Sterling Walker picked me up and spun me around. I like to think that’s what sparked my absolute joy in performing!


For seven years, I danced with the Latin Ballet and learned many classical and international genres in classes and as a member of their junior professional company. By five years old, I developed independent skills preparing backstage and had the thrill of performing for an audience. After that, I joined the J’adore Dance Projectand began competing regionally and nationally, where I have had opportunities to take master classes with professionals like Ashley Lindsay, Travis Wall, Andy Blankenbuehler, and Willdabest. Summer intensives in Philadelphia and Tulsa built technique. I spent a year training in the Upper Division at Richmond Ballet, performing as a member of the company Krash!Dance, hula hooping, and practicing lyra and circus arts at Soul Aerial. 



Youth Dancer of the year nominee

rva dance awards

I currently train many hours a night at Chesterfield Dance Center, where I study ballet, jazz, modern, tap, hip-hop, contemporary, pointe, and musical theater and compete on their Epic Deliriumteam. I am an assistant instructor and love teaching younger dancers. Additionally, this year, I was selected by Revel Dance Convention as a Pro Reveler, and I travel around the country assisting with classes. 


I would like to thank my dance teachers and family for helping me succeed , but I am especially grateful for Carrie Hughes, Katherine Martyak, and Lauren Stiglich for helping me maintain my joy for dance and see the many possibilities ahead. Growing connections to so many parts of the RVA dance community has shaped me as a dancer and prepared me well as I audition this fall and winter for college dance programs.

Fun fact: Because of sensory processing issues, I wore purple velour pants instead of a leotard and tights the first five years of dance classes!
