Meet Roary | Binford Dance Company Feature | Year Five

The Binford Dance Company was established in 2016. It is an audition-based student dance company from Binford Middle School, an arts integrated school located in Richmond, VA. Company members study Ballet, Modern, Jazz, Improvisation, and Composition within the Binford dance program. The company has performed throughout the community including: The 2019 Superintendent’s State of the Schools Address, Generation Dream, Richmond Public Schools Fine Arts Festival, Strawberry Street Festival, Appomattox Regional Governor’s School for the Arts and Technology, Petersburg Home for Ladies, and Cedarfield Retirement Community. The company also had the opportunity to perform in the music videos “Have It All” and “Love Is Still The Answer” by Jason Mraz. The Binford Dance Company inspires students to find their own voice through performance and choreography while learning valuable skills in the rehearsal process including collaboration, respect, and confidence.

This year the company dancers chose a word and in studio executed their word through movement, costume and set color and design.



Roary 8th grade

I have only ever danced at Binford Middle school and with Ms. Perkinson. I chose the dance class as part of my schedule in sixth grade because I thought it would be fun and my friends were doing it as well. I did not think that I would take it for the next three years and I definitely did not expect to love it as much as I do now. 

Choreography and dancing helps me to express emotions that I can not put into words. Through dancing I've learned more than just movements and counts, I've learned how to work with people and I've learned more about myself as a person and dancer. Dance is always something I think about. With almost every song I hear, I think about what style of dance would go with it and how it would look on stage. When I'm bored, I choreograph dances in my head.  In seventh grade I tried out for the dance company but I did not get in. I'm glad I tried again in eighth grade because being a part of the company this year has helped me to meet some of the best people, and I've had a lot of fun. 

I was having trouble coming up with a word for the photoshoot.  I could not think of many words that described me. I decided on the word sharp for a few different reasons. In dances I choreograph, I tend to go with sharper, quicker movements that have straight or bended arms, usually not super flowy. People around me have told me I'm sharp-witted, especially as a student. When people say that, it makes me feel happy and proud of myself. That’s why I chose that word.

Katrina Taggart-Hecksher